Beta Tape #4 Label: Eagles Path [A] Type: Fuji Aprox Length: ~10min DecChannels: 1 channel (A) Audio Contents: Synthy audio, hifi Show contents: Eagle flying, corporate logos, some abstracts Quality: Tape degrading on first play, had to stay on top of tracking Some noise, some drop outs This show is most likely from 1988 or 1989. *** LICENSE INFORMATION ************************************************** PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THESE SHOW RECORDINGS WITHOUT THIS TEXT FILE. PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THESE SHOW FILES ON OTHER PUBLIC INTERNET SERVERS. THEY ARE NOT TO BE SOLD. THEY ARE NOT TO BE INCLUDED WITH HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE BEING SOLD. I Ethan (telmnstr on PhotonLexicon forum) purchased a bulk lot of old tapes and some encoding/decoding equipment that was used by a company called Laser Artistry in the late 80s. The system is comprised of 3/4", Beta and VHS tapes encoded with digital data for X/Y/R/G/B/DIO. The encoder and decoder hardware was built by Image Engineering, which at the time was in Boston. IE still exists but is in different hands (and still making amazing things.) It is my understanding that the owner/creator of the shows has since passed away. I'm turning some of the show data over to the public so the laser hobbyist community has some content to run on their systems in private, and from a historical archive of early laser show content which is at high risk of being lost. The shows contain copywritten audio, and to play the shows personally one should purchase all the music contained in the shows. The audio has suffered degredation due to being stored on analog tape in analog/digital form for 25 years, and is left in place as it's important for timing the replacement with purchased copy. I have posted videos on youtube under my channel (telmnstr) of some effort to reverse engineer the protocols used in the Image Engineering decoder. Any questions or comments email me at telmnstr followed by at symbol then *** LICENSE INFORMATION ***************************************************