Code 6 -- Beams -- parameter structure: p1 p2 code num., staff num. p3 p4 p5 p6 left horizontal pos., left vertical pos., right vert. pos., right horz. pos. | |___________________| | |_________________________________________________________| P7 = implied stem direction and number of beams. P7 is always a two-digit number. The left digit indicates the stem direction of the notes attached to the beam. 1 = stems up, 2 = stems down. The right digit holds the number of full beams drawn between position p3 and position p6. P7 = 12 = stems up, 2 full beams = 23 = stems down, 3 full beams P8 = number to be centered above or below the full beams. (-p8 splits beam) Use p16 for % of horiz. displacement. P16 = 0 = default .5 (50%). P9 is used when note stems are not all in same direction. (see below) * P10, 11, 12 -- P13, 14, 15 Composite partial beams: 2 levels of composite beams may be added to the full beams. Parameters 10, 11, 12 are used for the 1st composite, and p13, 14, 15 for the 2nd composite. The role of the parameters in each group of 3 is exactly the same, so only p10, 11, 12 will be described. There are 2 kinds of partial beams; attached and unattached. Attached partial beams are secondary beams which do not extend the length of the full beam but are attached on both left and right sides to note stems. An unattached partial is connected on one side only, leaving the other end of the beam free floating. P10 is a 2-digit number where the left digit gives the displacement (in beam widths) from the level of the full beam(s). The right digit tells how many partial beams will be drawn. If p10 is negative then the added beam(s) will appear above the main beam if stems are up, or below the main beam if stems are down. (In this case the displacement value, i.e. the left hand digit, will equal the number of partial beams, i.e. the right hand digit. This feature will often be used in situations where stems do not all go the same direction.) * P11 sets the left position of the partial beam. If p11 = -1 the left position will equal the value found in p3. P12 sets the right position of the partial beam. If p12 = -1 the right position will equal the value found in p6. P9 is used in complex situations where some of the note stems do not go in the same direction (e.g. notes on staff above or staff below). P9 may have up to 3 digits, (using 0, 1, 2, 3 only). Here these digits will be labeled "abc". Digit "a" refers to p3 and p6 (left and right ends of the main beam). Digit "b" refers to p11 and p12 (left and right ends of first added partial beam). Digit "c" refers to p14 and p15 (left and right ends of second partial beam). the role of these digits is as follows: 0=no offset, 1=left beam end is offset, 2=right end offset, 3=both offset This use of p9 insures that the beam end points will exactly meet the note stems. Be sure to use the centering (CN) and adjust (AD) commands to make sure that the beam ends and stem lengths are accurately placed. * Tremolos: P7 = -10 (stems up) or -20 (stems down). P10 = "mn" where m = displacement, n = number of tremolo beams. If the tremolo beams are not appearing as secondary beams in conjunction with full beams then p5 = 0 and p6 = 0. P12 can set the width of the tremolo beams. If p12 = 0 the default width is 4. P11: When tremolo beams are used in conjunction with full beams, a separate item must be set up with parameters 1 through 6 identical to those of the full beam item. This is necessary so that the tremolo beams will be parallel to the slope of the full beam. Now p11 is used to set the particular position of each tremolo unit. P17 = beam thickness factor. (0 = default, .9 = thinner, 1.1 = thicker) (This feature should rarely be used.) P18 = beam size factor for beams attached to notes w/ p15 size factor set. .