Code 8 -- Staff lines -- parameter structure _________________________________________________________________ __________ | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | p6 | |code num.| staff num.| left horizontal pos.| vertical pos.| size |right pos.| |____8____|___________|_____________________|______________|______|__________| ____________________________________________________________________________ | p7 | p8 | p9 | p10 | |invisible, num. of lines| space to next|instrument number|inches from stf.1 | |________________________|______________|_________________|__________________| Use p12 to supress staff numbers that appear on the screen for reference. Staves are numbered (p2=staff num.) from the bottom of the page upward. Up to 16 staves may be used in 1 file. The default staff positions, at size 1, space the staves 18 scale steps apart. Values in p4 change this spacing as desired. P5 sets the size of the space between staff lines. Each space is made up of 2 "scale steps." All p4 values are figured in scale steps. The old method of making staves with other than 5 lines by adding n000 (+ or -) to p4, where n = how many lines, still works, but using p7 is the preferred method. * p7 = -1 = make the staff is invisible. Positive numbers create staves with other than 5 lines. i.e. Use p7 = 6 for six line guitar tablature staves. p8 = used by the SPRINT program to create space (in inches) between the bottom line of staff 1 in one file up to the bottom line of staff 1 in the next file above. This is used when a page of music is made up of several separate data files. (Large scores, or output from the PAGE program.) p9 = instrument identification number. This is used by the part extractor feature of the PAGE program. p10 = distance, in inches, for placement of staff above normal position of staff 1. When p10 is used, p4 is ignored. (However, for staff 1 itself, it is best to leave both p4 and p10 at 0.) p12 = 1 = supress staff number that appears on the screen for reference. .