Code 14 -- bar lines parameter structure ___________________________________________________________________ | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5 | |code num.| staff num.| horiz. pos.| number of staves up | bar type | |___14____|___________|____________|_____________________|__________| ______________________________________________________________________ | p6 | p7 | p8 | p9 | p10, p11 | | thickness | hrz. dsplc.| dash size | dash space sz. | bar extensions | |___________|____________|___________|________________|________________| All bar lines originate at the bottom line of of the staff indicated by p2. P4 = number of staves upward extension. If p4 = 3 and p2 = 2, the bar line will extend from the bottom line of staff 2 up to the top line of staff 4. If p4 = -1 = the bar line will be invisible on hard copy. Invisible bars are sometimes needed in the page layout system. * P5 = 0 = ordinary bar = 1 = double bar (two thin bars) = 2 = ending double bar (1 thin, 1 thick) = 3 = repeat double bar, pointing left (thin, heavy - dots to left) = 4 = " " " " right (heavy, thin) = 5 = " " " " both ways (thin, heavy, thin) = 6 = " " " " " " (heavy, heavy) = 7 = dashed bar. (P8=size of dash, p9=size of space, default 2,1) = 8 = curved brace = 9 = heavy bracket (see re. parameter 8 below) P6 = added thickness. Default for heavy bars = 4. Ordinary thin bars and dashed bars may be thickened with p6. (For hard copy ALL thin bars and dashes become double thickness.) P7 -- This may be used for the horizontal displacement of a bar. Its usual use is to position a brace (curved) to the left of a bracket in an orchestral score. When p7 is used, the various justifying and spacing routines will not change the brace's relative position. * P8 -- Partial heavy brackets (p5 = 9) may be made by using p8. P8 = 0 = end units of bracket appear at both top and bottom. = 1 = end unit appears only at top. = 2 = " " " " " bottom. = 3 = vertical part of bracket only. (No top or bottom units.) Use these (in conjunction with p10, p11) when preparing large orchestra scores, where several separate files may be needed for a single complete system of staves. P10 = sets origin of barline (bottom). (= 0 = default = 3, bottom line) P11 = sets destination of barline (top). (= 0 = default = 11, top line) The values are in scale steps. If p10 is negative, the bar will begin below the staff. If p10 = 11, it will begin at the top line of the originating staff. P11 = 7 will cause the bar to end at middle line of destination staff, etc. .