The following keys are active in the Pitch Input section of SCORE. SCORE Command Language: M or F3 - Measure line. Mn - Measure line up n staves. MD - Double measure line. MR - Repeat measure line (right). ML or MRL - Repeat measure line (left). MRD - Double repeat measure line (both). MH - Heavy double measure line. MS or MDS - Dashed measure line. MI - Invisible measure line (dotted on screen). TR - Treble clef. BA - Bass clef. AL - Alto clef. TE - Tenor clef. K - Key signature of displayed key. KnS - Key signature of n sharps. KnF - Key signature of n flats. KnSN - Key signature of n naturals/sharp pattern. KnFN - Key signature of n naturals/flat pattern. * SCORE Command Language (continued): - Abandon Input and Exit to Input Setup Section. F1 - HELP section. T - Time signature of displayed meter. Tn1 n2 - Time signature for meter n1/n2. T99 1 - Time signature for Common time. T98 1 - Time signature for Cut time (alla breve). A to C - Pitches A through C. F, S, N - Follows pitches for Flat, Sharp, and Natural. 0 to 8 - Follows pitches for octaves 0 through 8. R or F2 - Rest of any duration. RW - Whole rest regardless of duration. RF - Rest with fermata. RU - Rest up higher on the staff. RD - Rest down lower on the staff. Rn - Whole rest with number for n bars rest. RP - Repeat measure symbol ( / ). SU or F4 - Force following notes to have Stems Up. SD or F5 - Force following notes to have Stems Down. SO or F6 - Restore automatic stem direction (Stems Ordinary). * SCORE Command Language (continued): P or F7 - Proximity mode on (regarding octaves). O or F8 - Proximity mode off (Ordinary mode on). Xn - Repeat pitch, etc. for n times (e.g., CS4x4). / - Slash is used to separate the above commands. // - Extra slash(es) repeat previous command. : - Colon is used to separate chord pitches. ; - Semi-colon is used to end pitch input. Alternate Keystrokes for windowing: (Hold down and press a key) Alt D - DOWN. Move bottom of text window DOWN 1 line (make it bigger). Alt F - FULL. Toggle FULL screen graphics on/off. Alt M - MENU. Toggle function key MENU on/off. Alt U - UP. Move bottom of text window UP 1 line (make it smaller). * Keystrokes for text window and line editing: Home - Clear text window. Lft Arrow - Move text cursor left for line editing. Rht Arrow - Move text cursor right for line editing. Ins - Toggle insert mode on/off for line editing. Del - Delete character at current cursor location. BackSpace - Backup one space and delete character. Ctrl R - Regenerate last text line entered (must be first character). Mouse: (The mouse buttons are defined (L)eft, (M)iddle, and (R)ight below) Click L or R button on staff - Enter pitch of line or space selected. Click L and M button on staff - Enter flat pitch of line or space. Click R and M button on staff - Enter sharp pitch of line or space. Click M button on staff - Enter natural pitch of line or space. Click L and M buttons - Enter a colon (" : ") for chords. Click any button on menu bar - Activate normal function key. Click all three buttons - Abandon Input and Exit (same as ESC). MIDI Keyboard: Play notes and chords - Enter note and chord pitches. .