The following keys are active in the Slurs Input section of SCORE. SCORE Command Language: F1 - Get Help. - Specify slur end points by note number. / - Slash is used to separate pairs of numbers. ; - Semi-colon is used to end slur input. + - Before slur note number forces slur above notes. - - Before slur note number forces slur below notes. G - Go. Skip Input for slurs. - Abandon Input or Correct a previous error. Alternate Keystrokes for windowing: (Hold down and press a key) Alt D - DOWN. Move bottom of text window DOWN 1 line (make it bigger). Alt F - FULL. Toggle FULL screen graphics on/off. Alt M - MENU. Toggle function key MENU on/off. Alt U - UP. Move bottom of text window UP 1 line (make it smaller). * Keystrokes for text window and line editing: Home - Clear text window. Lft Arrow - Move text cursor left for line editing. Rht Arrow - Move text cursor right for line editing. Ins - Toggle insert mode on/off for line editing. Del - Delete character at current cursor location. BackSpace - Backup one space and delete character. Ctrl R - Regenerate last text line entered (must be first character). Mouse: (The mouse buttons are defined (L)eft, (M)iddle, and (R)ight below) Click any button on menu - Activate function key (only F1). Click L button on staff - Enter left note# of slur and a space. Click R button on staff - Enter right note# of slur and a slash. Click M button on staff - Enter right note# of slur and a semi-colon. Click all three buttons - Abandon or Correct Input (same as ESC). .