The following keys are active in the Playback Setup section of SCORE. Playback Setup Commands: <- -> - Select parameter for alteration. Up / Down Arrows - Select track for parameter alteration. - Enter a new value for the selected parameter. F1 - Get Help. F2 - Set Tempo value. F3 - Toggle MIDI Playback on/off. F4 - Toggle Speaker Playback on/off. F5 - PC Music Feature (K-card) setup. - Begin Playback. - Exit to Main Menu. Alternate Keystrokes for windowing: (Hold down then press a key) Alt D - DOWN. Move bottom of text window DOWN 1 line (make it bigger). Alt F - FULL. Toggle FULL screen graphics on/off. Alt M - MENU. Toggle function key MENU on/off. Alt S - SHOW. Show entire page with current graphics window outlined. Alt U - UP. Move bottom of text window UP 1 line (make it smaller). * Keystrokes for graphics window: (Zoom, Pan, Page up/down, etc.) End - Zoom to size 1 and display the bottom of the page. (Default) PgUp - Move 50% up the page. PgDn - Move 50% down the page. Ctrl PgUp - Zoom in. Make graphics bigger. See less of the page. Ctrl PgDn - Zoom out. Make graphics smaller. See more of the page. Ctrl Left - Pan the page 10% left. Ctrl Rght - Pan the page 10% right. Mouse: Click any button on parameter - Select parameter for alteration. Click any button on menu bar - Activate normal function key. Click all three buttons - Exit to Main Menu. Same as . .