"E" commands: ED x,y,z - edit at position x, staff y, code number z EX - exit from score program ****** various ways to get into edit mode ******** ED x,y,z - edit at position x, staff y, code number z ST x,y - edit on staff x, code number y I x - edit beginning with item number x N x - as above but with no typeout of parameter numbers ***** ED(it) x,y,z A vertical line of dots will appear at the position given and all items within 5 spaces of the line on that staff will come up for editing. To pass over an item type . See below for method of changing the various parameters. If the staff number (y) is greater than 16, items on all staves may be edited. If a code number (z) is given, the item nearest the line with that number will come up. Following that, all other items with that code number near the vertical line will come up. * ***** S(et) and A(lign) --------- If you type 'S' while in ANY form of edit mode, you will go into 'ED' mode, and the vertical line will jump to the position of the current item under consideration. Type to proceed to other items. At this point typing 'A' will automatically align the current item to the position of the item at 'SET'. Type 'X' to exit from any edit mode. ***** 'I' n = edit item number n This may be typed at any time while in edit mode. The item indicated will next come up unless the item currently being edited has been changed. In this case 'X', 'C' or must be given before the next 'I' is typed. This will hold true for all the various ways of getting into edit mode. *****'N' n (n=noprint) is same as 'I', but params and prompts will not appear. Type 'T' to return to normal type-out. * ***** 'ST' staff num, code num -- edits only items of that code num on that staff. If code=0, then all items will come up. *********** how to change parameters **************** Changing position parameters only (p3, p4, etc.): L,R,U,D followed by n, moves n spaces to left, right; or n steps up, down. In many instances, 2 directions may be given at once. LI,RI,UI,DI n -- moves n inches left, right, up, down. After an 'L' or 'R' move has been made, the letter alone (no number) will suffice to move the same value again. The same applies to the 'U-D' pair. Changing all parameters: pn1,n1 pn2,n2 pn3,n3 etc. (type pairs of numbers to change parameters) The first of each pair must be the parameter number and the second will be the new value for that param. * If 2 zeros are added after a parameter number (i.e. 600 instead of 6), the second number of the pair will be added to the current value of that parameter instead of merely replacing. This is useful for extending p6 of slurs or beams, etc. If 3 zeros are added to a parameter number, that parameter will be made equal to the parameter of following number. Thus '5000 4' makes p5=p4. ends edit and moves to next item for edit 'X' ends edit, exits to standard mode. 'C' saves old and new forms, i.e. "copies" item. 'C' n, 'X' n, saves & moves to item n. 'DEL' deletes item and moves on to next item. * ******* : saving a string of commands with the use of a colon ******** It is possible to save up 3 different strings (to 23 chars.) of commands on a single line of input by preceding each string with a colon. This feature is usually used while in edit mode, but it could be used for entering new items. Example: i 54 (we begin to edit item 54) :5 2 7 1 :l7 u2 :cn (the commands are entered, and the first string is executed.) (note that no space may follow each colon.) From this point on typing ; will always execute "5 2 7 1." To execute the other commands, type ;; for the 2nd and ;;; for the 3rd. These 3 commands may now be used separately at any appropriate time by typing ;, ;;, or ;;;. Any time the colons are typed again, the original strings are replaced. (This system works for any one-line command. It will not work with the group edit commands, which require more than one line of input.) ****** The apostrophe (') may always be used in place of the colon (:). .