"M" commands: M = group move, MF = mezzo forte, MP = mezzo piano ME = meno "M" has 2 prompts. 1st prompt: "Type staff #, left position, right position, [code #, upper staff #]" Up to 5 numbers may be typed. The 1st number should be that of the lowest staff involved in the move - unless the move is to involve all staves at once, in which case type any number greater than the highest possible staff number (16 in this program). The 2nd and 3rd number set the limits of the source material to be moved. If the the 3rd number is zero then the default right hand limit will be position 220. If the the 4th number is not zero then only items with that code number will be moved. If a 5th number appears it will be the number of the uppermost staff to be involved in the move. * After is hit the 2nd prompt appears: "Type new staff #, left pos., right pos., [steps up-down]" If the move is to take place within a single staff, the 1st number should be the same as above. If the move is to a different staff, type the proper number. (Be careful not to write over material already on a staff.) In this case, if a 5th number had been given for the 1st prompt then all the items will be moved to different staves based on the relation between the original staff number given and the number for the new staff. Example - 1st prompt response: 2 45 137 0 5 2nd " " : 1 45 137 This moves all material on staves 2 - 5 found between 45 and 137 to staves 1 - 4. The horizontal positions are unchanged. _________________________________ * If the 2nd number for the 2nd prompt is non-zero and the 3rd number is zero then all the material will be shifted exactly by the amount. Example - 1st prompt response: 2 45 137 0 5 2nd " " : 1 52 This works the same was as above except that all the material is moved 52 steps to the right as well as being moved to new staves. _________________________________ The material may be scaled to fill a new area of a different size. Example - 1st prompt response: 2 45 137 0 5 2nd " " : 1 20 95 Now material is moved to new staves and the spacing is scaled down to fit the smaller new area. _________________________________ * If a 4th number is given to the 2nd prompt it will cause the affected items to move up or down. Example - 1st prompt response: 4 0 0 1 2nd " " : 4 0 0 2 The 4th number of the 1st response indicates that only code 1 items (notes) will be moved. The 1st 3 numbers of the 2nd response Now material is moved to new staves and the s say that there will be no horizontal or staff movement. But the 4th number indicates that all the notes will move up 2 steps. ***** Type the letter "B" to back up from either of these prompts. ***** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MF = mezzo forte, MP = mezzo piano, ME = meno These commands are shortcuts for typing code 9 items. They should normally be followed by 2 or 3 numbers (parameters 2, 3, 4). mp 3 45 -2 will put the "mp" sign at position 45 on staff 3, vertical position -2. .