RE = READ in an ASCII text command file. (i.e. Input or Macro file.) RS = restart This clears all storage arrays and awaits new input commands. RS name = clear all storage and Get a file called "name." BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR FILE BEFORE TYPING "RS"!!! RIP = ripple Use this to move a group of bars from one line of music to the next or previous line. Follow the prompts. RIT = rit. and RA = rall. These commands are shortcuts for typing code 9 items. They should normally be followed by 2 or 3 numbers (parameters 2, 3, 4). rit 3 45 -2 will put "rit." at position 45 on staff 3, vertical position -2. (See Code 9 for details.) RNUM = Renumber an item's item number. RNUM 5 20 will change item 5 to item 20 .