SA name = save data in file called "name." If the file already exists you will be asked if you want to write over it. If the file name includes an extension it need not be typed. The extension will automatically be appended to the name. SM = save data with the SaMe name as last used. This is the usual, quick way to save edited files. But always be careful when saving files. SC n = put up the spacing scale above staff number n. SCX = erase the spacing scale. SH = show certain items (usually text) with their true type fonts. After this, a Z must be typed to recompute the screen data. SHX = turns off the display of the true type fonts. (This is the default situation because there are many fewer vectors to compute.) After this, a Z must be typed to recompute the screen data. SI = see vertical SIZE (in inches) of material on screen. SP n = set staff n to be basis for spacing future input with the IN command. .