T = text input -- TR = transpose T p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 = enter text using the given parameters. (Type ?16 for parameter details.) Then type text. ------------------ CHARACTERS AVAILABLE -------------------- 0-9, A-Z, a-z, and = . - , ' * ( ) " ; : + ? ! / Special characters: } = 1/16 note { =Eighth Note, [ =Quarter Note, ] =Half Note, | = whole note French accents (Precede the letter to be accented with a double sign.) Accute= << Grave= >> Crcmflx= $$ Umlaut= %% Cedilla= ## To place items in relation to already present notes, separate each item by slashes. The slashes will not be drawn. (But a line ended with ; will print ;.) ******** To print a slash, type backslash \ *********** ******** To print ampersand, type ?& *********** * If more than one group of characters appears, numbers will appear over the notes of that staff and you will be asked to type position numbers for each item. If P4 (the vertical position) is set to 0 you should type 2 numbers for each item. The first number of a pair will be horizontal pos., the second will be vertical pos. The horizontal numbers will be in terms of the numbers over the notes. Thus 1.5,-3 would put item 1 exactly half way between note 1 and note 2 and at the vertical position of note level -3. With 1.5,-3 the item would be as before. With .7,13 item would be at .7 of the distance from the beginning of the Line and the first note and at the vertical position 13. If P4 is any non-zero number all items will be put at the level indicated in P4. In this case type only one number (for horizontal position) per item. This is probably the best way to put in the text of vocal Lines. If P4 is non-zero and 99 is typed in response to the 1ST position prompt, all the letter groups (words or syllables) given will be distributed in order, 1 to a note. If P4 is non-zero and more than 2 numbers are given on the line for the 1ST position prompt, the letter groups will be located under the numbers given on the line. * Currently three type fonts are available. The default font is called Bodoni. Also there are 'Primitive' and Italic fonts. All these include upper and lower case. ****** Note that if the type fonts are to be mixed, the first entry must include a font control character, even if it is the default font. FONT CONTROL CHARACTERS: # = Primitive & = Bodoni (non-Italics) &&= Bodoni Bold @ = Italic When initially using the fonts the font character must appear. It is a good idea to put in a font character for each new string of text. Example: @sforzando (The "@" causes to word to print in Italics.) Typing < starts un-filled (outline only) text. > returns to normal filling. * ***** /??/ or /!!/ ******* for dashes between syllables ********* It is sometimes difficult to put in dashes between syllables of text. For example, to get the short dashes in the string, Dis-or-der, you type: Dis/!!/or/!!/der The ??/ will put in a long dash (under code number 4). After the text has been typed in, the dashes must be edited using the 'CD' (center dash) command. The dashes will then be positioned exactly in the correct place, no matter how far apart the syllables may be. (But be careful when the syllables fall too close together. In this case, the move command must be used to gain enough space for a visible separation of the dash.) The /!!/ works the same as above except that, if there is enough space, a series of short dashes will appear between the syllables. .