"Z" = zoom. For changing the size or position of the image in the window. To change the size of the image... Z n x y = zoom to n times the normal size and move percentage positions x and y to center of screen. The default screen display is Z 1 50 50. This means zoom to size 1 and place the horizontal point which is 50% of the way across the screen to the center point, etc. (which, of course, is redundant.) Z 2 20 10 zooms to double size and takes the point 20% of the distance from the left to right and 10% of the distance from bottom to top and places it at the center of the screen. * To change the position of the image... ZL n = move the "window" n% of the screen width to the left. ZR n = " " " " " " " " " " right. ZU n = " " " " " " " height upward ZD n = " " " " " " " height downward The number n is "sticky" with the left-right, up-down commands. Z 1 = bring image back to normal size. Z alone does the same as Z 1 but all vectors are recomputed. The Z command must always be used if the staff lines themselves are edited, etc. .