ûÍ1ÎÍ»×Î ººÎ )ºº There are two basic modes in TEXTURE,§ ºº‡ Pattern Mode and Link Mode.¬ ººÎ ººÎ ººÎ ?ºº Pattern Mode is where you do all your Recording and Editing‘ ºº‡ 6and Link Mode is where you Link your Patterns together‘ ººŒ to create your Song.® ººÎ ººŒ !You cannot Record in Link Mode...¡ ººÎ ººÎ ººÎ ººŒ -Before we go any further let's take a look at• ºº‘ &TEXTURE's Main Screen in Pattern Mode.— ººÎ ººÎ ºº– #(Examine the next screen in detail)• ººÎ ººÎ ºÈÈÍ5.DOCͼ406 characters pÒpšþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþºÎ ººÎ ºº– #(Examine the next screen in detail)• ººÎ ººÎ ºÈÈÍ5.DOCͼ406 chara