û ¤ þ 4On the right side of the screen is the Right Window.ñ 0This display changes for Pattern, Link, Edit and  2directory displays but right now we'll discuss thež Pattern Mode Display.’ þ 0The bar at the top tells you the Pattern number,  name and duration in beats.Ò þ 2Below that is a track list including the 24 tracks£ ,labeled A-X and the Monitor status, the MIDI¤ .channel assignment and the amount of memory in¢ bytes that each track takes up.Î þ 0Right below that is the Scrolling Track Display.Ç þ -This displays each event on a grid that moves£ along as you play the track.ª Í Pg1 Co1Š {}± 9.DOC‡ pëþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ each event on a grid that moves£ along as you play the track.ª Í Pg1 Co1Š {}± 9.DOC‡ pëþþþþþþþþ